Quarantine Tales Podcast

Trader Hoes

Episode Summary

We made another one—this one more on the lighthearted side, inspired after we went grocery shopping for the first time during the stay-at-home order. This episode is written by McKenna Koledo! Make sure to give it some love!

Episode Notes

Please enjoy the second episode of Quarantine Tales "Trader Hoes" Quarantine Tales is a collaborative podcast hosted by Franco Machado-Pesce, McKenna Koledo, and Ryan Waranauskas. McKenna Koledo: 

https://www.instagram.com/mckennakoledo/ Ryan Waranauskas: https://www.instagram.com/ryanwaranau... Franco Machado-Pesce: https://www.instagram.com/francoamp/ "Trader Hoes" 

Created, directed, written, and McKenna Koledo 

Edited by Franco Machado-Pesce 

Abbie played by McKenna Koledo 

The Narrator played by Ryan Waranauskas 

and Tony by Franco Machado-Pesce

 And the Intro/Outro song is Going Up by Soldier Story, licensed on Musicbed for personal use. We are not monetizing this podcast and making it for pure personal entertainment for ourselves and the people we love.