Quarantine Tales Podcast

The Legend of Ralston Hall

Episode Summary

A haunted house. A powerful rose. And 3 kids... what could go wrong? Enjoy episode 4 written by the super creative, Johnny Guerra! If you enjoyed it make sure to give it a thumbs up or a great review!

Episode Notes

Please enjoy the fourth episode of Quarantine Tales "The Legend of Ralston" 

Quarantine Tales is a collaborative podcast hosted by Franco Machado-Pesce, McKenna Koledo, and Ryan Waranauskas. 

McKenna Koledo: https://www.instagram.com/mckennakoledo/ 

Ryan Waranauskas: https://www.instagram.com/ryanwaranau... 

Franco Machado-Pesce: https://www.instagram.com/francoamp/ 

Johnny Guerra: https://www.instagram.com/johnnyguerr... 

Featuring special guest Tania Ghaffari: https://www.instagram.com/tghaff/ 

"The Legend of Ralston Hall" Created, directed, and written by Johnny Guerra. 

Edited by Franco Machado-Pesce 

Madison played by McKenna Koledo 

Whispers played by Tania Ghaffari 

Lev by Franco Machado-Pesce 

And Ryder by Ryan Waranauskas 

The songs in this episode are song "Darkness Inside" by Astyria and "The Ghost" by Luke Atencio, licensed on Musicbed for personal use. 

We are not monetizing this podcast and making it for pure personal entertainment for ourselves and the people we love.